
Showing posts from November, 2020

Lab 8 Blog

       Lab 8 was about managing a project complexity through automated testing, this week we worked on our  Release 0.1  link checker by creating testers using Jest and other testing frameworks for the language we used in our project. Adding automated testing sequences for projects is important for consistency, usability, and security for any application. A good and solid testing program covers most of the code with different testing methods.     Different languages require a different testing framework to set up with, and since my project was written in Node.js, the best choices I had were either  Jest  (created by Facebook) or  Mocha . I went with Jest because I am familiar with React which was made by the same company so I could expect handling similar coding styles. Jest can be installed by using the Node Package Manager and then activate the command by declaring the test scripts in package.json.  To get started with testin...

Release 0.3 Internal PR

     One of the Pull Request  for Release 0.3 was to work on an Issue for Telescope, knowing that I had already done an issue on Telescope during Release 0.2, I was happy to make another contribution to the project. This time, I decided to work on the notification favicon .     At first, I thought it was just a simple task of creating a version of the favicon with a red dot on the top right corner and then changing the favicon from a component, but it was a lot more than I bargained for. There are several things that need to be done in order to get this feature working, the state of the current window's visibility must be determined first in order to execute the hook that changes the favicon. Once that is done, you will have to obtain the id value of the previous app page's top post and compare it to the current state's top post's id. When all the conditions are met, the favicon of the website should switch to the badged version until the window is visible ...

Release 0.3 External PR

     In this month's Release 0.3 assignment, we were required to make a total of two Pull Requests. One of which is a pull request that is an external project, we will be making another contribution to other people's repository. I decided to revisit one of the repositories that I visited back in Release 0.2, the Artistify web app . I felt more comfortable to work on something that I already took the time to understand, the owner of the repository made a big change to the project compared to the last time I worked on it and I am excited to make more additions to their project.     This time I worked on two separate issues in one Pull Request due to the first issue being required to complete before working on the second issue . The issue asked for someone to add a spinner animation or placeholder while the Top 100 list on the Billboard page is loading. This sounded really similar to what I did for the third pull request in Release 0.2, which was adding a loading...

Lab 7 Blog

     In Lab 7 we went back to our Release 0.1 link checker project and worked on creating a file, source code formatter, linter, and an integration method for the said code formatter and linter.      The contribution file is added for the purpose of guiding Github users that visit our repositories the way to set up the project locally and help them get a headstart with their pull requests, in that file we will also be discussing how to develop & use the program as well as formatting and error checks.     Since my project was made using Javascript, I chose Prettier and ESLint for my formatting and linter. Prettier was installed using the step by step instructions on their official website  through CLI, initially there was a problem with the .prettierrc.json file for it was generating errors when trying to run the prettier command. This problem was fixed by manually creating the file instead of using their echo command. Pr...

Lab 6 Blog

     The first thing we were assigned to do after Hacktoberfest ended was to get ourselves started on the Telescope project along with other students and professors of OSD. This week, we are to install pre-requisites for Telescope to run locally and then modify our Release 0.1 to be able to process post data URLs from localhost:3000/posts.      A long process of installation was required, but since I decided to work on Telescope during Hacktoberfest's 3rd Pull Request , I had already done what was required to do for the lab. Information on that can be found in my 3rd PR's Blog .     Our task for this lab was to use our URL checker on the URLs that exist within localhost:3000/posts. In order to do this with the existing code for my Release 0.1, I made a new argument '--t' or '--telescope' that takes an URL and receives the data it returns using Axio. After the data has been received, the URLs of each element will be stored inside a string. The str...