Release 0.1: project-checkurl
This is the first project that I have done for OSD600, which is a CLI tool used to detect and scan URLs that exist within a document that contains texts and then proceeds to test if the detected links are available or not based on their returning HTTPS status code.
This project was created in Javascript with the help of Node.js. Because I have never made a CLI tool before, I learned plenty of things during the making of this project. The option of choosing any language to create your project had allowed me to be more creative with my work, for there were no restrictions on how things are supposed to be done.
How does it work?
This tool requires an NPM(Node Package Manager) to be installed. It will read the file as an argument and then proceed to run through the file for URLs which are then scanned for their HTTP status codes for their availability.
The outputs are color-coded into three main colors:
1. Green Lines for Good Links. [200]
2. Red Lines for Bad Links. [400 or 404]
3. Gray Lines for Unknown Links. [Anything Else]
How to use it?
Install the CLI tool: npm install -g project-checkurl
Check the current version: project-checkurl --v
Read a targetted file: project-checkurl fileName.txt
All Source Codes are Contained within the Github Repository Here.
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