Lab 9 Blog

    It is finally time for us to publish our Release 0.1 projects for public use! As we are getting close to the end of the semester it is about time for everyone in the class to publish their very first package so others can use it. I myself am excited to finally finish the first release of our project.

    We are instructed to choose a package release method, and since I've uploaded it to Node Package Manager for my project's initial release, all I have to do is to use NPM and update the existing package. I had decided to google the methods for the project's initial release, the only things I really have to do in this lab is to update the release tag in my package.json as well as other documentation about the tool. To update an existing package, you simply had to use "npm publish" in the repository folder after logging in using "npm login".

    After the documentation about the features, instructions, and versions are all up to date, I had a few friends who are also programmers to download my tool using "npm project-checkurl" to test for any possible errors that may occur during runtime. Reviews upon using the tool mention many improper errors handling for arguments and file path names, so I covered every problem mentioned with a message and then exited the program with either code 1 or 0 depending on if the program had finished running without any errors or not.

    The project has been officially released, the instructions on how to use it can be found here. The tool can be installed using "npm project-checkurl" or just accessed using "npx project-checkurl". There is still much to do in terms of adding more features and adding more automated testings for the tool.


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