
Showing posts from December, 2020

Release 0.4 Completed

     This is the final blog post for this semester. I've finished and sent out a Pull Request for my Issue on Import Youtube Playlist Feature. There were some changes in terms of how the items are returned as items, and due to that, the number of items in a valid playlist will be reduced to 100 items.     In this project, I spent a lot of time going through routes and components, as well as how the frontend gets data from its server by using Axio HTTP requests. I got the UI part of the issue done relatively quick due to me getting quite used to making react components, but the majority of the time was spent on knowing how Youtube API will work as well as how I can set up an API endpoint in the server for the data that I will need to retrieve for my feature.     Basically, the user will enter the playlist's URL into the input box and that string of URL will be passed to a function on click and concatenated to the server's API path where an Axios reques...

Release 0.4 - qasong Import Youtube Playlist

       I have started working on the Issue  after the repository's owner Ian had assigned it to me. As of now, I could say that I am about 40 percent to finish adding this feature. So far I added a new component inside the Navbar's menu which when clicked will show a dialog box prompting for a Youtube playlist URL.     The input box's value will be passed to another function that accesses the server to generate an object containing the Youtube playlist's items in the same format as qasong's queue items. If the URL is blank or invalid, an error message will appear above the button to notify the user.     As for how to get the playlist's items, I learned that you could access data from Youtube links by utilizing Google API's Youtube API. One problem that came up is that it requires the use of an API key that is created from Google Developer Projects which might hit a limit for the number of requests allowed to be made. I then tried to use sever...

Release 0.4

     The final assignment is finally here, it is almost time to say goodbye to this semester. Throughout the semester, we've done many different things and was involved in several open-source projects where we learned and overcame problems. This is the best course to explore Github and get some hands-on experience with programming, the open-source community is vast and filled with professionals that you can work with as well as learn from.     For the final assessment, I'd like to work on a feature that I've never touched before to prove that I did indeed grow as a programmer from taking this course. I decided to work on a repository that had started contributing to since Release 0.2, qasong . I picked this because they are a project that is near launch and I grew to like their team's effort as well as what they do, I definitely learned a lot more about React by contributing.      I am currently contemplating on taking an old issue that was never...

Lab 9 Blog

    It is finally time for us to publish our Release 0.1 projects for public use! As we are getting close to the end of the semester it is about time for everyone in the class to publish their very first package so others can use it. I myself am excited to finally finish the first release of our project.     We are instructed to choose a package release method, and since I've uploaded it to Node Package Manager for my project's initial release, all I have to do is to use NPM and update the existing package . I had decided to google the methods for the project's initial release, the only things I really have to do in this lab is to update the release tag in my package.json as well as other documentation about the tool. To update an existing package, you simply had to use "npm publish" in the repository folder after logging in using "npm login".     After the documentation about the features, instructions, and versions are all up to date, I had a few frie...